Kids Connection Haiti is a non-profit organization, founded to offer at-risk Haitian youth the tools to build more stable and secure futures. Focusing on post-orphanage services, Kids Connection Haiti offers technical advice and financial support for education and livelihoods, contribution to sustainable, independent lives.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Out and about in Haiti cherie

I want to take some time - some posts- to show you Haiti. Not just the Haiti we see on television and in the news. The Haiti that's right there, waiting for you and I to awe and discover over and over again. Yes there are still tents (too many of them), poverty, suffering and violence in the Pearl of the Caribbean. But there is also breathtaking scenery, amazing colours on every building, cheerful people and music in the blazing sun and cooler evenings. 
Here's to Haiti, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. 

The street of Port-au-Prince are always packed with people, mostly merchants and pedestrians, and way too many cars. The sidewalks overflow with baskets full of bananas, pineapples, mangoes and avocados. Cellphone card vendors are everywhere and there's constant noise. The trees along the roads have gorgeous flowers. 
In the streets of Petionville, a suburb of Port-au-Prince. Once a very affluential district, it presents now a clash between the rich and the poor. Still, Petionville is where most of the "good/nice" restaurants and boutiques are.
The view from outside the MUPANAH. Coconut trees and all. 
Near the National Palace is Champs-de-Mars, a plaza area. This is where took place the Carnaval des Fleurs (Flower Carnaval). The MUPANAH, National Heritage Museum of Haiti, is close-by. Inside, you can discover items from the colonial years, the evolution of the Haitian flag, and look at the pictures of all the Haitian presidents. 

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