Kids Connection Haiti is a non-profit organization, founded to offer at-risk Haitian youth the tools to build more stable and secure futures. Focusing on post-orphanage services, Kids Connection Haiti offers technical advice and financial support for education and livelihoods, contribution to sustainable, independent lives.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Exam time

I finally gave my students their first exam for the English class. I know, it should have been done at least one or two weeks ago. But Haiti is the land of improvisation! Last week some of my students told me they wouldn't be able to come to class because of exams they had for school, I therefore had to postpone my exam. Well, Friday (yesterday), I finally gave them the exam. I have to say It was nice to take a break from teaching! For the essay question part, I gave them 3 choices of subject; 1) You are the president of Haiti, 2) you are a famous celebrity, 3) you are a world traveller, Tell me about you, about your life. Well, one of my students, Chardley, who is enthusiastic, works hard (sometimes too hard) proceeded to writing a full on presidential campaign! He was still writing 45 minutes after everyone else was done. It goes to show that many Haitians do care about politics, what government should be doing, and have great ideas. For Chardley, the Haitian government should be focusing on education, agriculture and tourism. I couldn't agree more. I would also add building roads to the list (still thinking about my crazy drive to Cap Haitien!). 

When I read or get my students to talk about politics or social issues, I have hope for change and I am reminded just how much this generation, my generation, can get the ball rolling and is ready to embrace change. 

After the exam, we celebrated TGIF with 7Up and Doritos. Who would've thought chips could bring so much excitement to the office....or was it just the fact that the weekend was at our doorstep?  ... This is one of my favourite pictures or moments. Alfredo on the left eating and holding up a sign with his favourite expressions, J-P accepting to get his picture taken, and Beatrice, a kind woman I just met.

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