Kids Connection Haiti is a non-profit organization, founded to offer at-risk Haitian youth the tools to build more stable and secure futures. Focusing on post-orphanage services, Kids Connection Haiti offers technical advice and financial support for education and livelihoods, contribution to sustainable, independent lives.

Monday, July 2, 2012

First day with KCH

After a few days in Haiti, I have officially started with KCH here in Pernier, a small area East of Pétion-Ville. I arrived at the office around 8am on this hot (as always) Monday morning. A few minutes after I got here, a student showed up for the English class I will be teaching for the next two months. And eventually, two other students arrived. Fortunately I had brought a bit of material with me and I was able to at least give them a diagnostic test to see at what level they are. Not being sure whether or not the students would be ready for class this week, I hadn't planned a full lesson. Rule #1 always be ready to improvise! Although 2 of the students seemed to believe they wouldn't be able to answer any questions on this test, they surprised me, and once they get their copy back, I hope they will also be pleasantly surprised! They seem eager to start class and learn English. They told me that they want to learn EVERYTHING this is to learn. I'll do my best, I'm sure they will too. First class starts tomorrow morning. Lucardo, the program coordinator working for KCH was even able to find us a small classroom with a blackboard right behind the KCH office. This will be very useful to me and much easier for the students. I thanked Lucardo, saying it was just perfect! He responded humbly that he was only doing his job. We're off to a good start.

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